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Split brain research and the anatomy of choice

Dr. Melodie de Jager recently published an article on this controversial subject. Here is a brief excerpt to give you an idea of the superb insights the article provides. Spoiler alert - it challenges preconceived ideas regarding left brain right brain dominance!

The misconception that individuals can be strictly categorized as either left-brained or right-brained led to the belief that tailoring learning programmes and jobs to match a person’s brain dominance, would result in superior performance. However, this oversimplified view ignores the complexity of brain function and cognitive processes. It further ignores the fact that the brain does not function in isolation – it constantly receives sensory organs, including proprioception and touch, balance, smell, taste, hearing sight. These sensory inputs are crucial for perception, cognition, and decision-making.

Furthermore, the brain relies on the muscles for executing all output, including body language, speech, writing, negotiating and physical action. Even seemingly simple tasks, such as walking and eating, involve complex coordination between the brain and musculoskeletal system.

Understanding this intricate interplay between the sensory system, brain and muscles is essential for comprehending human behaviour, learning and performance. This underscores the importance of a holistic approach that considers not only cognitive processes but also sensory sensations and motor functions. By taking into account the entire system, interventions and strategies can be more effective to support learning, enhance performance, and promote well-being.

“Our brain is a magnificent tool that is the home of our thoughts, emotions, experiences and behaviours. When we understand at a cellular level what is going on in our relationship between our thoughts and our emotions, we no longer have to be bound by our emotional reactivity. Instead, we can become emboldened to live our best lives and our best selves. We have much more power over what is going on inside of our heads than we have ever been taught”.              Jill Bolte Taylor

Here's the link to the full article posted on the Mind Moves Institute website.

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